terms of service

The e-sohko.com membership agreement is based on the comprehensive warehouse information search site (URL: https://www.e-sohko.com) operated by e-sohko Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") (hereinafter referred to as "e-sohko.com ”) (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”).

The Company shall provide the Service based on these Terms, and the User shall comply with these Terms and the notes and usage rules, etc. separately notified by the Company on e-sohko.com.

Article 1 (Name)

This content is called e-sohko.com (URL: https://www.e-sohko.com).

Article 2 (Location)

The following locations will serve as operational headquarters for activities.
e-sohko Co., Ltd.
Goshikibashi Building 7F, 3-5-13 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0022
TEL: 03-5439-9401 / FAX: 03-5439-9437

Article 3 (Purpose)

E-sohko.com is managed and operated by the Company, mainly handles logistics real estate information and business real estate information, and aims to provide a space for information exchange between members and general users on the Internet.

Article 4 (Organization and Duties)

E-sohko.com shall be operated by the following membership organization.

(1) A company that registers properties and desired conditions information that has been confirmed by an unspecified number of general users in a wide area, and cannot be held responsible for the posted information because it is not the information directly from the tenant .
Information searchers: Mainly real estate agents and everyone

With conditions only from related parties limited to members: Companies that register properties and desired conditions (confidential) and take some responsibility for posted information.
Searchers: Mainly logistics companies (warehousing and transportation personnel), etc.

Article 5 (Compliance with Membership Rules)

When using e-sohko.com, the following must be observed when using the Internet and performing business.

  • Being a company (individual) involved in real estate that contributes to society with pride and responsibility as a person entrusted with the precious property (assets) of the nation.
  • Always be sensible to respond to the trust of individuals, corporations, organizations and local communities that request sales, leasing and various problems, strictly observe the confidentiality of desired conditions (personal information), and improve your personality and specialized knowledge. Be an affiliated company (individual) involved in real estate.
  • A company (individual) involved in real estate that abides by national laws and regulations and strives to realize neutral, fair and safe transactions.
  • Be a company (individual) involved in real estate that strives to perform reliable and fair business for individuals, corporations, and organizations requesting sales, leasing, and various problems.
  • In dealing with various problems related to real estate and promoting comprehensive business of real estate information circulation and transactions, comprehensive real estate circulation is sounded and activated through close cooperation based on mutual trust without falsehood between companies (individuals). A company (individual) involved in real estate that strives to establish

Article 6 (E-sohko.com Usage Regulations)

  • Regarding items registered (applied) by members or general users or items described on the Internet, only information that is responsible, truthful, and reliable can be used.
  • In principle, personal information and other company (personal) information obtained through information exchange on the Internet operated by our company shall be distributed only by members or our own company, and leakage to third parties is prohibited.
  • Registered information such as sales/lease/problems and desired conditions shall belong to the company (individual).
  • When registering the information of other companies (others), obtain the consent of the company (individual) in charge of the property and desired conditions before registering, and never infringe on the interests of other companies.
  • Be sure to enter the transaction form when registering various properties and desired conditions, making it easy for customers and other companies (individuals) to distinguish.
  • When registering various properties and desired conditions, ensure that the survey is carried out and the details of the property and desired conditions are accurately understood before registering to increase the reliability and certainty of the Internet.
  • In order to increase the reliability of posted properties and desired conditions and to improve the efficiency of business between companies (individuals), corrections and deletions of properties and desired conditions should be made immediately at the time of occurrence and always posted with live information.
  • When using the e-sohko.com system operated by the Company, it is prohibited to transfer or lend IDs and passwords to other companies (others).
  • E-sohko.com shall be constantly improved in consideration of current trends and convenience.
    In that case, we will notify you in advance on the Internet, but we can improve and improve without prior notice.
  • Use the explanation on the page for how to use it. If there are any unclear points regarding use, incorrect display or malfunction during operation, we will contact the designated management address by e-mail, and we will promptly correct it.
  • The Company shall not be held responsible for any failures in the operation, management, or maintenance of the [E-sohko.com System] provided by the Company, or troubles between members or users.

Article 7 (Membership fee)

In principle, it will be operated free of charge.

Article 8 (Membership Admission Conditions)

Corporations, organizations, and individuals that engage in real estate-related business, or corporations, organizations, and individuals that can obtain the approval of our company.

Article 9 (Contract Period and Withdrawal)

If there is no indication of intention such as withdrawal or expulsion from both parties, it shall be automatically renewed under the same conditions.
Requests for withdrawal must be sent to the Company by e-mail at least two months prior to the desired date of withdrawal.

Article 10 (How to apply for membership)

It is premised on obtaining the approval of the Company after receiving the application for membership by the following method.
Apply online from the membership application form on the Internet site provided by e-sohko.com.
After approval of the admission examination, we will approve the use of the ID and password along with the notification of the completion of registration.
After that, the e-sohko.com system will be available.

Article 11 (Posting Standards)

We strive to publish property listing information in compliance with the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act, the Fair Competition Regulations Concerning Display of Real Estate, and the Fair Competition Regulations Concerning Restrictions on Offer of Premiums in the Real Estate Industry established by the Real Estate Fair Trade Council. It is assumed that
Posting of desired conditions for various problems related to real estate shall satisfy the above property posting information, be truthful, and be able to handle problems based on mutual trust among members.
However, due to changes in prices and changes in organization maintenance costs, etc., it may be reviewed from time to time.
*We reserve the right to correct or delete any postings or descriptions that violate these rules.

Article 12 (Temporary suspension and suspension of the system)

If the Company determines that any of the following apply, it may temporarily suspend or cancel the transmission of information through the "E-sohko.com System" without prior notice to members. increase.
In this case, e-sohko.com shall promptly report the situation to the member on the page, and shall not be held responsible for loss or negligence between members, members, or general users.

  • When it is determined that an urgent inspection is necessary, except for regular inspections and version upgrades (advance notice) of the "e-sohko.com system".
  • When information cannot be provided through the "E-sohko.com system" due to natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and power outages.
  • When it becomes impossible to provide information through the "E-sohko.com system" due to a natural disaster or incident.
  • In addition, when the Company deems it urgently necessary to temporarily suspend or discontinue the "E-sohko.com System" due to operational and technical reasons.

Article 13 (Management of registered data)

The Company shall carry out the following duties.

  • Data will be backed up on business days other than Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and company holidays to minimize data loss that may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Data backup work will be carried out based on strict maintenance management, but in the unlikely event that the data is lost due to an unknown failure or hacking, the member shall re-register the data.

In preparation for unforeseen circumstances, the member shall save the registration data, etc. in a peripheral device such as MO or print it out to minimize the damage caused by the loss of the registration data.

Article 14 (Non-Guarantee of Provided Information)

The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, legality, reliability, etc. of the information registered in the “E-sohko.com System” by members and general users. individual).

Article 15 (Penalty Matters)

If a Member or General User falls under any of the following, the Company may suspend the use of all or part of the Service and deprive the Membership without prior notice.

  • When you violate the terms of use of this site.
  • When the member violates the interests of other members or general users by illegally or significantly unfairly using information obtained on this site.

Article 16 (Jurisdiction)

The governing law of these Terms shall be Japanese law, and any disputes relating to these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court as the court of first instance.

September 15, 2002